This page contains vmware images, signal samples, links, and application code for the gnuradio community. The files are hosted at the expense of PanoRF. If you find this material helpful please donate to defray the maintenance costs.
Useful Links:
Gnuradio WIKI - main project site
Ettus Research - provides gnuradio compatible hardware modules
Corgan Enterprises LLC - provides on-site technical training, custom USRP/GNU Radio SDR application development, and consulting services.
CGRAN - a free open source repository for 3rd party GNU Radio applications that are not officially supported by the GNU Radio project.
Schematics - EDA info on ettus boards are on their redmine site
EPIQ - provide a 300-4000MHz tuner module
Tools4SDR - is a collaborative website about software defined radio in general and some solutions such as the USRP and the tools proposed by SDR4All.
SSRP - The simple software radio peripheral [SSRP] is intended to be a simplified counterpart to the GNU Radio project's universal software radio peripheral.
Agile - provide 1 to 4400 MHz transceiver.
Design Information:
GNFIP - the excel spreadsheet attached at the bottom of this page contains GNFIP runs for the USRP radio modules.
Signals Database:
Several signal samples are available from KD7LMO.
[Several additional sample captures will be posted here]